These graphs visualize the distribution of the insurance costs, of the expenses of the patients (copayments), of the number of packs and of the number of DDD, according to whether de medicines do not belong to the reference price system (not refpricing), or belong to it. Within the reference price system, we distinguish between : generics or copies(generics), original medicines whose price is equal to its basis of reimbursement (cheap originals) exceeds its basis of reimbursement (expensive). The red line shows the evolution of the corresponding absolute value e (marked on the right vertical axis).
We see the evolution of the annual totals in the period 2004-2011.
4. Reference pricing
The reference price system includes generics, copies and original (brand) whose active ingredient is no longer protected by a patent.. The reference price system was set up by the authorities in June2001in order to stimulate the prescription of cheaper drugs. In order to be reimbursable, a generic medicine has to be at least 31% cheaper than the original at the time when the first generic entered the market. That price then becomes it basis for reimbursement. If the price of the original product drops to a level at or below the maximum price of a generic, that prix becomes the basis for reimbursement, and the specialty is considered cheap. Otherwise it is considered expensive.
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